Work was very slow today leaving too much time for my mind to wander. The weather is cold and gray with the off chance of a freezing snowstorm. Sounds lovely eh? I don't like days like this because they usually make me feel a bit more depressed than normal. As usual my thoughts turn to Hannah, how much I miss her, and how much life has changed since she died. Unless you have suffered the loss of a child, one can only imagine ( if their imagination will let them), the horror of it all. When people say to me "I can't imagine how horrible it is", I say, "you're right, you can't and you don't want to know".
The other day I was talking to my friend E. Her son died in a motorcycle accident nine months after I lost my Hannah. Without going into too much detail she is going through a very painful tumultuous time with one of her daughters. I on the other hand, had also hit a rough patch after my son landed in the hospital again due to a really nasty flare-up due to his Lupus. We commiserated on the phone about how difficult it is to find any inner peace or any form of normalcy since our children died and I posed the question "What if this is as good as it gets?" At my support group, The Compassionate Friends (, we talk about shadow grief and how it will always be with us no matter how much joy and happiness are are able to find on our grief journey. I have, in rare moments, felt great joy since Hannah's death but I always think to myself, it would've been so much better if Hannah were here. Ah I miss that girl...
I just looked outside, the snow is starting to come down really hard with the wind blowing wildly. Maybe we will get the blizzard that was predicted, I don't have much faith in weather forecasters, it's all a crapshoot in my humble opinion!
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